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Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas to all!!

Merry Christmas to everyone...after a very busy day of driving(again!!) I am finally home and able to relax a bit.  Dinner with my girls was wonderful...makes me remember how much I enjoy their company. 
Went to see Mama at the hospital-took Lana and Stephanie-and Mama surely does smile when she sees Lana-Lana smiles back and Mama's love for her special daughter comes shining through. It does my heart good to see them together-both of them with their problems and yet love speaks loudest there.
Not much else to say...I guess we will be going to Carlisle to see the grandchildren tomorrow-if I couldjust say to Miles you go by yourself I would.  But I probably won't do that-even though I am always on the outside looking in (not my grandchildren by blood)  I still do love them a lot.
God bless

1 comment:

  1. You have so much to give...I wish that you didn't have to feel like the outsider. If we are ever blessed with a child, we'd be proud to have a Papa Miles. I think kids should have as many grandparents as possible!
